Last night we threw a fall party for our friends and neighbors. Fall décor is just so much cuter than Halloween décor amiright? Also, we had no desire to compete with the many Halloween parties happening within the next two weeks. Maybe next year... I promise people actually came, I just realized I never took any pictures once more of our lovely guests arrived. Sorry guys, I still love you and think you're all cute. Thank you to everyone who made it out and a special thanks to my fellow hostesses: Abby, Cori and Desireé. You girls are fab and I am so happy we like to host fun shindigs like these together. I just love living with ya! Who else would I have a post-party yoga sesh + mcd's run with? No one. You rock and every day I think about how lucky I am to have met you all. Whoever said rooming with your best friends isn't a good idea was seriously disturbed. Ps let's never move out and/or away, cool? Cool. Cheers to apt. 307. Here's more pics from the party:
Why yes that IS a rose gold pumpkin. Hella glam right? I'm obsessed. |
Some treatz. nomnomnom |
Wait how cute are my fellow hostesses?? |
Artwork table cuz we're children. This was actually the best idea of the night (after Dance Central of course). Our coffee table is now adorned with so many funny cartoons. And like, 40 Deathly Hallows symbols. I don't hate it. |
More treatz. All pumpkin all the time. |
But seriously, the cutest. I just love ya! |
eeee i love you guys. all of (fall) y'all