March 6, 2015

friday is for favorites

Sorry if the title misled you, but I most definitely will not be making this a weekly thing, and for that you are welcome. It's just that I'm a fan of Friday, alliteration, and every aspect of the above mood board, so why not blog about it? This collection of pictures is just a snippet of what the most highly anticipated event of the(my) year will (hopefully) look like: MY WEDDING! It's going down on August 7th if you haven't heard. I know it may seem like ages away for all you Mormon peeps, but to the rest of the world, I'm down to the wire. The fact of the matter is, I applaud you gals who can pull off a two month engagement. There is already so much to do it makes my head spin. And I love it. I love every second of it. Okay, I don't love that it consumes 90% of my thoughts when they should be consumed with the physiology of the central nervous system and the physics behind the angles of refraction from a beam of light, but it is certainly the most enjoyable of the three.

Since I got engaged, I have been making weekly checklists so I don't overwhelm myself with one giant to-do list for the entire wedding process. I feel much more accomplished completing one whole list, rather than only checking off 7 of the 1975606549852083 items. This week I nailed down one of the biggies: choosing our engagement, bridal, and wedding photographers, including the locations for the respective shoots! Other items that have already been checked off in the previous weeks: booked the venue, called the temple, found a dress, chose a color palette (pink and orange because this is real this is me), and met with décor specialists. At this rate it might seem like we'll have this done in no time, but every hour or so I remember another detail that hadn't crossed my mind before and I jot it down for later. We've accomplished a lot since our engagement became official, but we still have a long way to go. I am absolutely giddy thinking about how busy I will be in the next few months with preparations. I fully intend to cherish every moment of it because hey, you only get married once amiright?

More of my favorites this week that are completely unrelated to wedding stuff: Purity Ring released their full-length album Another Eternity on Tuesday which has been on repeat since then because it's AMAZING, and tonight I'm seeing Bleachers in concert with my fiancé. Happy Friday!