October 20, 2014

happy guac/awk/october

October is almost over guys! If I'm being honest, my feelings about fall are pretty indifferent. Sorry to my white girls everywhere. Out of the four seasons, it is my second to least favorite after winter (the devil's hour). Pumpkins are just OK, I prefer sundresses and sandals over sweaters and boots, and I haven't had a PSL in over a year but I think I'll live. I am just a warm weather kind of gal, and when you live in an area that rarely reaches temperatures over 50 for five months in the year and you're hardly seen without your sleeping bag coat, you really cherish those bright sunshine-y days. 
Fall does have a few redeeming qualities though. I love guacamole and ever since my favorite twitter account Awkward Girl deemed this month Guactober, the month when you celebrate by eating copious amounts of guacamole, I figured I should follow suit. Also, Halloween is just around the corner and I am very very excited about my costume this year :) I typically never put much thought or effort into a costume, but this year I thought it would be fun and I cannot wait to debut it so stay tuned! Another great thing about fall is apples. Apples are delicious and I have found so many easy, yummy recipes to utilize the abundance of apples this season. My favorites so far can be found here and here. I tried the second recipe over waffles on General Conference weekend (another wonderful aspect of the season. If you missed it, watch/read/listen here!) at Drew's apartment, and it was well received by those boys. Both are so simple but so delicious!
The best part about fall in Utah is fall in the mountains. Everyone and their mother--minus me-- drove up Alpine Loop last weekend, because that was when the trees were in their prime. Fall in the mountains is akin to an avocado. Stay with me guys: you anticipate the moment for a while and get really antsy, and then BOOM for one glorious hour (or one to two weeks) it's perfect and then just as suddenly everything turns brown and dies. #dark but true. I was determined to catch the end of the golden hour so after church on Sunday, Drew and I did just that. Many of the  leaves had already fallen, but if you drove farther up the Loop, the aspen trees still had gloriously yellow and orange hues and it was a beaut. Plus the mountains are majestic any time of year. So if you haven't already, take a drive up the canyon before everything is dead, get crafting on those Halloween costumes, and eat as much guacamole as possible because October is quickly coming to an end!

"October gave a party;
The leaves by hundreds came-
The Chestnuts, Oaks, and Maples, 
And leaves of every name.
The Sunshine spread a carpet,
And everything was grand,
Miss Weather led the dancing,
Professor Wind the band."
-George Cooper

October 15, 2014

vintage, so adorable.

"All these things are pieces of ourselves. I've built a future by rummaging through the past."

One look at my tumblr page is enough for anyone to see my obsession with home décor. Ever since I moved into my first apartment last year, I developed a love for decorating. More specifically, I love decorating with art and random oddities I find at vintage markets and thrift shops. I'd say more than half the fun is finding stuff, the other bit is figuring out where to put it. There's nothing like scouring aisles (or piles) of antiques and finding gems from over 40 years ago and thinking of how you can revive them in a different setting. I used to cringe at the idea of buying old, used clothing or items, but in the past the few years I've branched out and discovered how much I actually love it. 

Lately, Utah county has been on point with the vintage market scene. In the past few weeks I checked out two fantastic markets, one in Provo and another in Pleasant Grove. The first one in Provo was hosted by Unhinged, my favorite store on Center Street. The vendors were all so fun to talk to and I loved hearing their stories about how they came across what they were selling. You could just tell how much they enjoyed doing this. I thought to myself that one day I'll be like that, and travel all over, buying random things as I go to share them with people like me. Not pictured are the frames, keepsake box, antlers, and globe bought there as well.
Remember how much I love globes? No surprise that maps were a hot item for the both of us. Geography, man.

Guys. GUYS. I just about died when I saw this artist setting up shop on our way out of the market and caught a glimpse of some of his crazy artwork. Good thing we caught him when we did because Drew snagged these two portraits of The Fantastic Mr. & Mrs. Fox. We chatted with the artist who goes by Bacee about his clothing and art brand: Panda Propaganda. Check him out!
 The second of the two markets took place in Pleasant Grove this past Saturday. This one was even bigger, held inside a massive warehouse that was absolutely stuffed with antique furniture, art, clothing, housewares, you name it. I found the most perfect deer skull (see above) which I have been on the hunt for for AGES now. I also scored a few more gold frames I've been needing for my room, as well as another map. Of course.
Story behind this jacket? It was a team jacket for a women's bowling league in Alaska. So rad. Also globes.
Drew found himself a polaroid camera that still works!! He will need to buy more film for it but I am very excited to use it in the future :)
In my element. Give me a donut and antiques and I am content.
TA-DA!!! This stupid wall is finally finally done and it only took me two months to do it. This is the reason I have been collecting so many gold frames. I either found them, spray painted them, or friends donated them to me. My favorite element is easily the white elephant head with gold tusks, which is the one thing on here that wasn't thrifted, but found on White Faux Taxidermy. They have EVERYTHING. I also bought this gold velociraptor skull that I keep on my desk. The more glam the taxidermy, the better.

I've discovered my happy place and it is at a vintage market, searching for hidden treasures to display, use, read, wear, or simply admire. I love that each item has a history behind it, and have all been around much longer than I have. I love that each item I find is unique. I know for certain that I wouldn't be able to find this stuff anywhere else, and I am ALL for that one-of-a-kind style! I am thankful I found a guy who appreciates and enjoys this stuff as much as I do :) I would never consider myself an expert on this by any means, but I would be more than willing to tag along with you the next time you want to venture to a thrift shop or flea market or need any decorating ideas. I'm your gal! I am not kidding when I say it would make me the happiest to do this all over again.

"The joy of junking comes not only from a great find, but also from that moment you figure out how to breathe life into an old piece."